Our team is successful through integrations made into all activity aspects of our company based on customer feedbacks, especially in our innovative products, operational perfection and outstanding customer service.

Our experience in the field of cooling systems and high class customer service are available in several options as well as the ability to develop an Original Equipment Manufacture.

Our highly qualified engineers offer the following services

  • Preparation of technical specifications for the cooling system according to the available documentation
  • Development of a technical solution
  • Development of the concept of the cooling system
  • Development of the pipeline layout
  • Preparation of specifications for mounting components

3D modeling

We can make custom chillers for any use on the basis of our production line. Thus, we may produce chillers of any size, any type and for any use. Our products are made with premium-grade materials, and we may provide both, standard and extended warranties on all custom industrial chillers as well.

We develop innovative technological solutions, for example the leading technology for capacity control is a true variable speed design. The chiller’s controller constantly monitors the heat load. Using a variable frequency drive, it adjusts the compressor speed for peak efficiency and temperature control, and eliminates the need for hot gas bypass. By automatically adjusting the speed, the chiller only works as hard as necessary to provide the optimum performance with significantly reduced energy consumption. This solution encompasses the best performance and protections for the system available today. Based upon your processes cooling demand, and the overall variability of that demand, the right capacity control solution is available to match your needs.

Post-sale Services

Customers are the key point and vital part in our business. Customer orientation and satisfaction of their requirements are the main rules for our company.

The Gekkold succeeded on the market thanks to excellent customer service, innovative ideas and its flexibility. We use only high-grade components in production of our entire product line.

If you have any questions about how to determine the correct flow and pressure, or other any other questions related to the activities of our company, please send us a message at intercold@gekkold.com

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