Watercooled / condenserless projects

Hitema low temperature watercooled special chiller for chemical and pharmaceutical application with R449A refrigerant.
- Application: Pharmaceutical application
Installation country:

Hitema customized chiller Model SWC.430 has been designed with shell&tube evaporator, no tank and double pump with 3 bar maximum head pressure.
- Application: Machine tools
Installation country:

Hitema customized chiller Model CFTW.045 has been designed with brazed plate evaporator, no tank and no pump.
- Application: Machine tools
Installation country:

Hitema customized chiller Model ENRC.012 has been designed with brazed plate evaporator, a carbon steel tank and pump with 3 bar maximum head pressure.
- Application: Machine tools
Installation country:

Hitema customized chiller Model ENRC.045 has been designed with brazed plate evaporator, a carbon steel tank and pump with 3 bar maximum head pressure.
- Application: Machine tools
Installation country:

Within this unit plant, which is 2900 x 800 mm, are mounted two refrigerant circuits with two scroll compressors, one brazed plate evaporator and condenser for each circuit.
- Application: Chemical
- Installation country: Overseas countries

This watercooled unit is equipped with a stainless steel brazed-plate evaporator, a carbon steel tank equipped with a low level alarm which prevents its emptying, an expansion vessel and high head pressure pump.
- Application: Extrusion process
Installation country:

This customized unit is equipped with a shell & tube evaporator, a 390 liters tank and a process pump.
- Application: Plastic process
Installation country:

Hitema condenserless chiller Model CWB1.350 has been designed to be installed where there is a lack of space.
- Application: Air conditioning
Installation country: