Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure maximum user convenience by providing personalized information, remembering marketing and product preferences, and helping to get the right information. By using this website, you confirm your consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this notice regarding this type of files. If you do not agree that we use this type of files, then you must set your browser settings accordingly or not use our site.


A cookie is a small piece of text sent to the browser from the site you visited. It helps the site to remember information about you, for example, in which language you prefer to view it. This will be useful the next time you visit the same site. Thanks to cookies, browsing sites becomes much more convenient.

Cookies are used for many purposes. For example, they allow you to save your Safe Search settings, display useful advertisements, count the number of page visits, register with our services and protect user data.

We use two types of cookies on the site: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary files that remain on your device until you leave the site. Persistent cookies remain on the device for a long time or until you manually delete them (how long the cookie will remain on your device will depend on the duration or "lifetime" of a particular file and your browser settings).

Various types of cookies are used on our website:

Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are necessary for the site to work correctly, they make it possible to navigate through the resource. Files of this type do not identify you as an individual. If you do not agree to use this type of files, it may affect the performance of the website or its components. Cookies related to performance, efficiency and analytics. These files help to understand how visitors interact with the site, providing information about the areas they visited and the amount of time they spent on the site, they also show problems in the operation of the Internet resource, for example, error messages. This helps to improve the performance of the site.

Analytics cookies also help to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and optimize the content of websites for those who are interested in our advertising. This type of cookies cannot be used to identify you. All information that is collected and analyzed is anonymous.

How do I manage cookies?

Most Internet browsers are initially configured to automatically accept cookies.

At any time, you can change your browser settings in such a way as to block cookies or warn you when they will be sent to your device (refer to the user manual for a specific browser). Disabling cookies may affect your online experience.

If you use several devices and/or browsers to access the Internet, the corresponding settings must be changed in each of them.

Cookies and personal data

Cookies do not contain your personal data, thanks to which your identity can be identified. Cookies do not contain last name, first name, patronymic, email addresses, home address, phone numbers and other similar data.